I will confess that it was a bit hectic in the beginning of the week here in Israel and I am glad to say that things appear to be getting back to normal, at least for the time being,
All of our shnatties left Sunday morning on their respective tiuylim (field trips), they embarked towards the south of the country and had an amazing time, our shnatties on the Spanish speaking Machon, started their tiyul in the north and made their way down to the south. And even though our shnatties arrived back tired I am not worried for they are young and full of energy.
Next week our shnatties will be returning to their weekly schedules and that means back to classes. Rebekkah K, will be attending the "Building Future Leaders" (BFL) seminar and she will be back on Thursday to tell us about it, Benjy S, Alyson R, Naomi S and Jeff S, will be joining her for one evening for a Back To Campus activity.
It is hard to believe but it has already been a bit over a month since our shnatties started Etgar and Machon and they seem to be enjoying themselves and learning a lot while being challenged.
I am attaching a few pictures from the Etgar tyul sent by Josh, you will be able to see more pictures on our facebook page.
I am also attaching a copy of the edition of our newsletter "Kol Netzer" hope you enjoy it; it features a very nice article written by our own Rebekkah K.
I wish you a great weekend and Shabbat Shalom.
Weekly report by Sophie G (Machon)
This week machon headed south on our southern tiyul. We headed to the Negev, having to slightly alter our plans because of the rockets from the Gaza strip. The warm weather was a welcome change to the relative cold of Jerusalem and everyone was grateful for the chance to wear shorts again. While we were down there we visited Masada, the Dead Sea, Eilat as well as various hikes and a Bedouin tent. In light of our southern tiyul, here is an acrostic poem about it.
So this week we headed
Out of Machon and went down, not
To the desert which was much
Hotter than Jerusalem with
Enormous amounts of sand and very little
Rain, as you would expect in the
This part of
Israel is very beautiful and important
Yes, we should all go
Under Jerusalem to where we had such a
Lovely time
Hope your week was as adventurous as ours! Love the machonikim <3
Weekly Report By: Kathryn and Jake (Etgar)
(Disclaimer: This was done after 3 in-tents days of hiking through the desert)
It is currently 8:30pm on Wednesday night, we have just arrived home and the photos are currently being uploaded to Facebook, Rebekkah eagerly waiting to tag them. People are still showering, trying to remove the desert from their feet and hands and probably other nooks and crannies.
It feels like an age ago, what with everything that has happened in the past three days: The rockets, the hikes and ALL Rebekkahs T-shirt ideas but we had a fantastic Purim.
We had a Reading of the Migilah in a slightly controversial setting of Ben Yehuddah Street, it being inside a walled city and all. We partied it up in the shuk in Tel Aviv. We went to the real Migilah reading in Kol Haneshamah, had an activity with Noar Telem and then went off to the Shuk party in Machneh Yehudah.
Sunday morning was the start of our hike and it was all down (and up and over and around) from there...
Three days ago we embarked on an adventure through the desert. At the start we were all very excited at the prospect of camping in the wilderness and navigating our way as Boys Vs. Girls over the rocky terrain. The days were hot and the nights were cold and windy, at one point our tents nearly blew away. Learning from our mistakes, the next night we made a tent formation, but alas, the wind never came. We spent most of our evenings having Asefot (Group Meetings) around the campfire or just hanging out in the desert. Throughout the days we had small navigation activities and survival tips from our Guide: Talia. She took us into the desert at night and told us to sit down for a while, just in the dark, alone. A solo experience. The stars were incredible and everyone was relaxed, although we were jolted out of our semi-slumber or deep thought by the air force, the expirience is surely unforgettable.
Last night we had an emotional Ma'amad singing Hatikvah and a prayer for peace in the middle of the desert with fighter jets flying over head and a few peulot and Israel Updates from our Madrichim, followed by Hot Cocoa, Sprite and a Jam session before bed. After a good nights sleep in proper beds it was off to explore the city of Yerucham.
And now, off to bed.
Jake provided the comedic motivation to write this weekly report.