Sunday, 1 July 2012

Laila Lavan- White Night

We had heard all about the awesome parties in Tel Aviv for the White Night, a night where you're not supposed to sleep but rather stay up all night partying till your heart stops.
It wasn't exactly what we had hoped for, but there were some cool things, and the atmosphere of the city was incredible.

Along the Midra'chov that is affectionately known at Rothschild there were a few things that caught my eye.
The Silent Disco, where you bring your headphones and tune into the DJ dropping some beats and have your own personal party. I thought it was cool.
A little way down there were a few people holding up signs that told you to save the date and be ready for the Love Revolution. I've seen graffiti about it all over the place, but I couldn't understand the pamphlets and the people were standing still so I couldn't ak it, but it was so AWESOME! BAH! I wanted to join in, or do something like that for Netzer.
The Beatles tribute band was fantastic. There were these four guys dressed like complete douches, as though they had walked out of the 70s playing all the best Beatles songs with a crowd of over 200 people singing along in the middle of the street.

Apart from those cool things, we found a rooftop party with all the Australians in the world, I met Jacob, Gals new friend, and we all went down to the Beach and put out toes in the water.
We got a shirut to the bus station and it turned into a party bus almost immediately, and on the train the eight tired teenagers fell asleep to Ryan's constant talking at 4am, and woke up in Haifah and crashed, face first into the mattresses scattered on the floor of the Hashy apartment.
We made pancakes for breakfast.