Saturday, 14 July 2012

Shabbat Shalom

Friday 6 July 2012
The precarious trip up to the roof is one that we've made quite a few times since arriving in karmiel. We've all become experts at avoiding the several potted plants and the bicycles at the foot of the ladder and have mastered the art of passing hubbly's, candles, guitars and many more things that would make the roof a lovely place for a chilled Shabbat Service or a jam session between friends, up and down again. What we haven't managed to do yet, is not walk into the pipe that blocks the path from the ladder to the area we sit in.
That night Liz and I made our way up to the roof for a Shabbat Service and a few glasses of wine.

Saturday 7 July
Lily and Gal were back from Haifa, so the day was filled with guitars and a surprise visit from Rina. She invited us down to her sisters apartment and we joined them for a Havdallah in their living room. Rina played the ukulele while I shook some shakers and we all sang and said the blessings over wine, spices and the candles, wishing each other a good week.