Nicole and Liy and I made a huge mission to the Shuk and bought ourselves some lovely fruit, missioned around the streets of Jerusalem for a while, until we found a lovely little park in Nochlahot and made a picnic of Avo, Laffah, Nectarines and Rooibos Tea. It was so beautiful! We called Anat because it was her birthday, and sung to her in as many different languages as we could.
We played in the park for a little whie before saying our goodbye and heading in opposite directions.
Sunday 20 May
Yom Yerushalyim. A day for tourists and Right Wingers.
We went out that night to the old city, hoping to really find out what it was all about but instead ended up talking to a Rabbi from New York who brings tourists to Israel to really give them a Spiritual Experience. After a while, we left him to talk to Gal alone promising to meet up with him again, but when we returned to where we left he was gone, and we couldn't find him. Fearing he had been taken to the yeshivah, and would never be allowed to return we sent Bin after him, and Lily, Nicole and I ate Ice cream and Ice Cafe with Amarulah.

Our trip to the Kortel, was brief but interesting. Bin was slightly tipsy at this point, and decided to talk to some super religious men, and we went to the wall.
I stood, as I normally do, looking up at the wide expanse of wall and watched the women praying. Pushing to get closer to the Temple, and doing everything in their power to be able to pray as hard as they want.
I don't think I like the wall that much. It's just...
Sprite Day 21 May
We had a n Israel Advocasy class. Probably one of my favourite classes ever. Our lecturer was a guy who normally reports for Sky News. His name is Neal Lazarus and he has the most amazing techniques for advocating for Israel. He showed us how to move conversations in the direction that we want and how to direct the conversation so that we can really take part in it. He showed us techniques that would allow us to win over an entire government, and how politicians use certain words in their speeches to get people to vote for them.
Theme Night consisted of us all dressing up really fancy and having English Tea. We all put on fake British accents, even the real Brits and ate scones and drank super average Israeli tea.
Rebekkah and I wanted to find this protest against Racism in Israel, but failed miserably. We met up with Lily and her American friend Zoe, and decided to go out to Timol Shimshom for a drink. I had Sahleb and they all had different kinds of coffees and hot chocolates. It was quite chilly outside.
We walked Zoe home and then went to bed ourselves.
Tuna Tuesday 22 May
We had candle lit dinner, all the people that weren't on Kibbutz and me. It was so sweet. We had baked potato and discussed all the things we used to do in the last weeks of school. Quite a nostalgic dinner I must say.
Wednesday 23 May
Volunteering!, although I dont think we went, i think it was just us lounging around in the house, or catching up on some missed sleep.
We watched the first episode of Black Mirror, wich pretty much made us all freak out just a little. It was so intense. Its about all these social issues and taking them to the extreme, and how we as people handle them. This particular one was about the media and how people can manipulate other people to get what they want out of it all. Tv shows, fame and all the things you would do to get there, and sell out when you're there.
Thursday 24 May
Hebrew again, a better lesson than Sunday because we weren't so tired, and over the world. I remember it being really fun.