The Last Ever Hebrew Class was more of a party than anything else. We sat in a circle and sung songs and ate yummy things like Bam Ba. We even played pass the parcel.
That afternoon, we all got dressed up and clean in what Rebekkah and I like to call: Shnat Chic for a dinner together at Spaghetim.
For our last ever Sprite Day, we all set off for the Tayelet practiceing our suprised faces. Dana wasn't meant to knowe that we knew about the surprise Segay Tour, but she did anyway. We started off with a little picncik and then she ran a kind of sikkum peulah. She made us chill out on the grass with our eyes closed while three people at a time would answer questions like: "Who did you get close to? Who did you feel like you could tell anything to? Who did you feel you should have gotten to know better?"
People tapped my knees and shoulders a few times, and I really started to think about the relationships I had with people. I didn't have many regrets, and only wished I had more time with a few people but other than that it was an eye opening experience.
Then it was time for our surprise Segway tour!
They go really fast, Naomi and I were having races and really enjoying ourselves. If I could, I would take a segway EVERYWHERE!

From the Tayelet we ventured off to Modiin for dinner at Noas house. As usual, dinner with Noa is no easy feat. She made us cook our own meal and it tasted delicious. Jeffrey and I were Rosh Pasta, and spent the entire afternoon arguing over what Jeffrey is good at, and what he isn't. We made an assortment of salads, cannelloni and other pasta-y goodness.

Tuna Tuesday 12 June
The last ever Tuna Tuesday. It was the Southerners turn to run the peulah that we had been planning, and it all went amazingly well.
We started with time to write letters to people you may not see again, and had a cute little post office.
Then we had some starters of Pesto Pasta and salad, beautifully made by Sophie and Jordy.
We played a few rounds of To Wash the Miniture Cookies, wich worked as well as it could with 29 sad teenagers.
We ate the main course of burritos and more salad, and had more time to write letters, while the Southerners practiced our song.
For dessert, we treated them to actually hearing the song, and looking round the room, I saw may a tear stained face.
Down in the court yard, we had a candle ceremony, and lit each others canles and shared some beautiful stories with our friends. I loved that moment, it was the most amazing expirience. Rebekkah lit my candle, and I lit Naomi's. I feel like we had gotten way closer in the last few weeks, and I miss her very much.
Wednesday 13 June
Pack up day. I have never proicrastinated more in my entire life, and by the time I got around to cleaning everything it was way past midnight, and I had spent the entire day orcastrating the packing up of the Etgar Kitchen with the help of Naomi, Emily, and Jake. It took so long! I was still cleaning 5 minutes before we were meant to have our Etgar Farewell Dinner, and so had the least amount of shower time. Literally 5 minutes.
The dinner was a bit useless, and slightly awkward. I won an award for best "Actress in a Horror Movie".
uhhhhhh.... yeah.
That night we all huddled around in the living room, and projected Mean Girls onto the wall. Classic, I fell asleep.
Naomi, Tara and I slept in the Boys Stuff Room, finally being able to see the floor, on an awkwardly comfortable Christmas Bed. It was so beautiful.
We planned to wake up really early and go on an outing to Ben Yehuda Street in search of presents for their siblings and parents.