Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The idea is simple: take photographs of Palestinians and Israelis who practice the same trades, blow them up giant size, and display them on a wall which separates them, putting them literally ‘face to face’. The portraits are original because they were shot with a 28 millimeter lens, ‘which brings you within ten centimetres of the person being photographed. Doctors, sculptors, hairdressers and even religious men all submitted to this game of portraits.  JR and Marco started to put up the posters in eight cities in the Near East. They travelled with ladders, glue and their series of huge photographs through Hebron, Jericho, Ramallah, Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, and even Bethlehem. The ultimate stage of their adventure was when they went to the very symbol of the conflict, the wall which divides Israel and Palestine, and glued their huge photographs along both sides of the wall.
You should watch this video.
And maybe this one if you have time.

“Art is not supposed to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions. Art can change the way we see the world. Art can create an analogy.”
“We didn't push the limit; we just showed that they were further than anyone thought.”

FIFDH à Genève

Exhibition brings Israel and Palestine 'face to face'