As it's the week of Purim, our Weekly Madrichim: Emily and Jeff instilled the dress up everyday rule.
Dress: Hippies.
Best Hebrew lesson ever.
Best Tanach lesson ever.
Best day so far.
and then:
Worst Asefah ever.
Jeff is such a dick sometimes. Ruined everything. But at least now we have new assefah rules.
We watched Crazy. Stupid. Love in the Dojo for Jemmas birthday celebrations a week late. Jeff got really angry and killed the Dojo. But it will never die. Now its awesome. At around 2am, Jake and I went to get ice cream, we ate it on the couch like teenage girls. It was beautiful.
Sprite Day 5 March
Dress: Sprite Colours
We had a brief excursion to Meyersharim, the really conservative part of Jerusalem. We had to dress really modestly and what not. When we were walking through the suburb I really didn't feel that out of place like some people did. I thought it was quite cool to see these kinds of people really following what the believe in to the max of maxes. Sometimes I feel as Netzer we really don't follow our beliefs and if we do they're never to the full extent. Were all very lazy and it hurts my soul. We should try harder to be better Jews and People and Netzernicks.
Tuna Tuesday 6 March
Dress: Purim Style! I was a Smurf.
We threw a Purim Party for the kindergarten.

I think this discussion was really good for once. A lot of people didn't participate but the ones that did had really interesting things to say. I feel like if we had these kinds of discussions in smaller groups it would allow is a better environment for discussion. Especially because of the intense topics. Because its movement time though, I wish we had more time or a better set out platform to discuss things related to Netzer. We should be discussing our ideology as well as the other topics that we do.
I also had a good think about one of our previous topics after this tuna Tuesday: Consumerist Relationships and what everyone on shnat is gaining from their relationships with other people here. It was quite intense and mos of it is not suitable for the internet, but maybe one day when we all back on opposite sides of the world.
Wednesday 7 March
Dress: Like a volunteer.
Volunteering at the soup kitchen, I felt in the way mostly and like there were too many people and not enough things to do.
All the boys dressed up as girls and we went to a reading of the Migilah, wich is slightly controversial because of us being in a walled city. We had dinner at Japanikah and then we all hopped on a Shirut to Tel Aviv. What a party. There was a shuk party and I met up with Amir and had the most awkward, yet not awkward experience ever. We did a lot of catching up, but we'll see him this weekend because we're having a program with the Israelie shnatties- The Michinah.

Thursday 8 March
Dress: Purim!
We had a rather interesting reading of the migilah at Kol Haneshamah and then went off into the night time atmosphere of Purim in the holy land. Rosa and I met up with Anat and Noa and Gozlan. We made our way past the shuk party to a house party. We enjoyed eachothers company as the shlichim were pre occupied with their prospective lovers, we danced to Matisyahu and danced in the streets. I'm so glad I got to Fifth wheel on EVERYBODYS lives. (Lily has a Boy Friend!)

Friday 9 March
A chilled Shabbat for us and an excursion through the old city to places that cannot be named. We did things that cannot be told and ate food that cannot be spoken of (it was good though) and I bough me some chocolate for my late night existential crisis. I haven't had many lately though...
Rosa and I skyped Sivan the rest of the afternoon while I made the best pasta salad for our Shabbat Dinner.
I had y first date in the Holy Land! Jokes, it wasn't a date I was just hanging out with Amir having conversations about life. It was great. It felt like old times.

That night we had a Purim Party with the Michinah and Noar Telem. We all dressed like the opposite sex and ate so much sweets and hot dogs and cake and all sorts of fun things. We danced and hung out and the israelies made noises.
After the party our flat was filled with Noam people and we all went out for Hummus. Theyre so cool! I wish we could know noam people. They're basically people from London just here in israel doing a six month almost gap year program. This one guy (His name is Guy) could do the best South African accent. Oh my god it was amazing. They all asked me about Biltong and why I dont say: "Gahy" and "Marituuuuuuuuuuus" It was a beautiful moment in my life.
Tiyul in the morning!
Sprite Day 5 March
Dress: Sprite Colours
We had a brief excursion to Meyersharim, the really conservative part of Jerusalem. We had to dress really modestly and what not. When we were walking through the suburb I really didn't feel that out of place like some people did. I thought it was quite cool to see these kinds of people really following what the believe in to the max of maxes. Sometimes I feel as Netzer we really don't follow our beliefs and if we do they're never to the full extent. Were all very lazy and it hurts my soul. We should try harder to be better Jews and People and Netzernicks.
Tuna Tuesday 6 March
Dress: Purim Style! I was a Smurf.
We threw a Purim Party for the kindergarten.
I think this discussion was really good for once. A lot of people didn't participate but the ones that did had really interesting things to say. I feel like if we had these kinds of discussions in smaller groups it would allow is a better environment for discussion. Especially because of the intense topics. Because its movement time though, I wish we had more time or a better set out platform to discuss things related to Netzer. We should be discussing our ideology as well as the other topics that we do.
I also had a good think about one of our previous topics after this tuna Tuesday: Consumerist Relationships and what everyone on shnat is gaining from their relationships with other people here. It was quite intense and mos of it is not suitable for the internet, but maybe one day when we all back on opposite sides of the world.
Wednesday 7 March
Dress: Like a volunteer.
Volunteering at the soup kitchen, I felt in the way mostly and like there were too many people and not enough things to do.
All the boys dressed up as girls and we went to a reading of the Migilah, wich is slightly controversial because of us being in a walled city. We had dinner at Japanikah and then we all hopped on a Shirut to Tel Aviv. What a party. There was a shuk party and I met up with Amir and had the most awkward, yet not awkward experience ever. We did a lot of catching up, but we'll see him this weekend because we're having a program with the Israelie shnatties- The Michinah.
Thursday 8 March
Dress: Purim!
We had a rather interesting reading of the migilah at Kol Haneshamah and then went off into the night time atmosphere of Purim in the holy land. Rosa and I met up with Anat and Noa and Gozlan. We made our way past the shuk party to a house party. We enjoyed eachothers company as the shlichim were pre occupied with their prospective lovers, we danced to Matisyahu and danced in the streets. I'm so glad I got to Fifth wheel on EVERYBODYS lives. (Lily has a Boy Friend!)
Friday 9 March
A chilled Shabbat for us and an excursion through the old city to places that cannot be named. We did things that cannot be told and ate food that cannot be spoken of (it was good though) and I bough me some chocolate for my late night existential crisis. I haven't had many lately though...
Rosa and I skyped Sivan the rest of the afternoon while I made the best pasta salad for our Shabbat Dinner.
I had y first date in the Holy Land! Jokes, it wasn't a date I was just hanging out with Amir having conversations about life. It was great. It felt like old times.
That night we had a Purim Party with the Michinah and Noar Telem. We all dressed like the opposite sex and ate so much sweets and hot dogs and cake and all sorts of fun things. We danced and hung out and the israelies made noises.
After the party our flat was filled with Noam people and we all went out for Hummus. Theyre so cool! I wish we could know noam people. They're basically people from London just here in israel doing a six month almost gap year program. This one guy (His name is Guy) could do the best South African accent. Oh my god it was amazing. They all asked me about Biltong and why I dont say: "Gahy" and "Marituuuuuuuuuuus" It was a beautiful moment in my life.
Tiyul in the morning!