Yes, its that time again.
It is our priveledge to sit in the freezing cold school hall, in nothing but our lame barf coloured jerzies and thin grey pants to get what thi country calls an "Eduction". Don't get me wrong, I love to learn! I love going to school! Exams are fun (Oka, that last one was a lie...) but do they really have to make us sit in the coldest place on the whole property?
Enough whineing.
Atleast its only three weeks and by 12:30 the sun shines on my desk so its chilled (hahaha).
Here is my Exam Time Table:
So I don't forget...
- Afrikaans Literature
- English Writing
- Biology
- LO Practicle
- English Language
- Afrikaans Language
- Visual Art Theory
- Maths Paper 1
- LO Theory (Are they joking?)
- History
- English Literature
- Maths Paper 2
Jozi, Be kind to us? Hold off on the wind for a while? Its a bit chilly outside (and by chilly I mean basically GALE FORCE WINDS!) Please? I'm running out of space under my pants to wear more tights and socks!
With Love,