It's that time of year again! Music Monday!
Introducing my new favourite band and eye candy - Gangsterdam!
Its the first time I've actually made a concious decision to watch them perform live and made an effort to listen to their tunes, but damn are they good. They have a really cool sound and some sexy ass musicians that make up this little Bandy Band. Yup I said it. Bandy band.
While I'm not such a fan of this music video shot by Crash Car Burns own Bugsy Barnes, it's cute and endearing and trying to be 'Cool and Out There' but the whole Sexy Naked Chicks with Animal Heads Thing has been done to death. It's a good coming out video for them, and with only 400 likes on Facebook, Im sure it's nice to have friends in high places. These guys will shoot to the top of the charts with good old Matthew Mole and Shortstraw in no time at all.
I actually can't wait to see these guys live again or to hear what they'll be doing next.
Check out their video:
The lead singer looks like a boy i knew back in High School. Ha!