Saturday, 30 July 2011

Bullshit Cassinova

Dear Jozi,

I happen to know some very famous people who live in smokey bars and wear their feelings on their guitar strings. They're an anlternative rock band with influences form like the 80's. Think back to the glam rock era of 87 and thats what it sounds like. Only cooler.

They're In Full Colour and they'll blow your mind.

I think its ironic that the pictures are in black and white. Just Saying.

With Love,

Monday, 25 July 2011

Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter. Fever.

Dear Jozi,

I was luck enough to see the new movie the day it came out. Thank you universe! I thought it was pretty awesome. They kinda skimped on the details a little bit, and I had to explain to Sebastien that Snape was NOT Harry's dad, but it was truly amazing!

Seb and I went to the premiere at Montecasino. Why wouldn't you go see the biggest movie of your life on the biggest screen in Johannesburg? There was a girl dressed up. It was so cool. She had robes, and a deathly hallows shirt and a wand, and glasses. She was too cool.

I love Harry Potter. Just Saying...

I you REALLY REALLY interested in how the cast felt about the end of "the best ten years of their lives" you should watch this video.

Thanks for the books Mrs Rowling. I think you've changed the world with your words and wonderful imagination.

With Love,

P.S. I'm still waiting for my letter...

Friday, 22 July 2011

I love me some floral.

Dear Jozi,

About five years ago, a little shop affectionatly dubed "The Pink Shop" by me and my mom. It's the most amazing shop in thehistory of amazing shops.
For Rizz YO!

It's reently moved from Northcliff Corner to this new small shopping mall inetween Northcliff and Cresta. Have you seen it? Its where the steeres used to be. The one with the new Woolworths...?

Its still pretty amazing though. It has all sorts of fun mugs and bath salts and jewlery and whatever else you can find in the hords of clutter, glitter, and pink stuff scattered all over the shelves.

My mom took me there a couple weeks ago to look for a present for my cousin who turned 25. we bought her a mug.


The point is, Pretty Bangles of floral glory and wonder!

With Love,

Monday, 18 July 2011

I'm a Banana, Yellow and Curvey!

Dear Jozi,
Have you ever sung the fruit song?
These miniature chilluns taught it to me at our Netzer Day Camp of Glory.
I was their camp councellor. I'm pretty sure that we had fun (:

Me and Jackie being silly whilst we was meant to be watching that the kids didn't eat glue or summing. I miss Jackie so much, it was really refreshing to see her again. Shes like family. Lets be honest.

This is EVAN ^^ He's my friend. We had a rad ass time playing with the kiddie winks and hanging out in chilly bars on the Greenside Strip.

These are my kiddies! The one thats pretending I'm a jungle gym, thats Jono. The girly in the purple is his best friend. They were so sweet! I love my little tipotnicks!

We went to the best bowling ally! It had a scary alien pulling the zap sign at the counter but whatevs. It was still fun. I lost though. Not as bad as Evan. I beat him by one point. Go Me!
    Jackie makes the best hot chocolate. She just pours the whole bottle in.

    With Love,

    Saturday, 16 July 2011

    The Perks of Working in a DVD Store:

    Dear Jozi,

    You wouldn't believe I'd ever get off my lazy ass (and the internet) but I have.
    I have found myself a shitty job in Melville.
    Yes, You guessed it! My life has now become a Meg Cabot book.

    I work in this alternative art house DVD store in Melville for R20 an hour. It's not much but there are a few perks to it (:

    1. Free DVDs
    2. Extra moneys for my dreams of a camera, Motorcycle and Hip bone Surface Piercings.
    3. Meeting strange people
    4. Free Internet.
    5. Getting paid to watch movies all day long
    6. Blogging for free!
    Basically I get paid to do nothing and watch movies... and get hit on by creepy men.

    I now understand why people who work in DVD stores are such stoners. It's cause there really isnt that much to do around here. Movies get boring and people come in waves.

    With Love,

    Tuesday, 12 July 2011

    Dear Jozi,

    So, there's this guy named Jake.
    This is Jake.

    It was his birthday like a couple of days ago... and we picnicked.
    We picnicked so hard it hurt the next day.

    There was soccer playing and cupcake eating and Birthday Song singing and love giving and nomming and present opening and perving over Duncan (on Lily's part...) and more cake eating and story telling and picture taking and cloud gazing (well, tree gazing as there were no clouds...) and more birthday happiness.
    It was lovely.

     I made Jake some cuppie cakes for his birthday. 
    The gold candles are courtesy of Lily and Rosa though (:

    You cant have a Birthday Party without some balloons. 
    You might notice how it says "Happy 10th Birthday"...
    That's cause Jake is the youngun among us and no one really knows how old he is. 
    JOKES! He's 17. 
    There were "Happy 7th Birthday" ones too, cause 10+7 is 17.

    The best picnic spot!

    The amazing shirt that Lily got Jake. "I like girls who like girls"

    Cloud gazing! Only without the clouds...

    In the words so beautifully sung by Thando and aKing:
    "The sun sets a little more beautiful when you're not alone..."

    Evan. Too school for cool.
    Thanks for being the host of the best birthday picnic in the history of time Jozi. You really do have the best sky for gazing at in the winter (:

    With Love,

    PS. This is your birthday song, it isn't very long.
    This is the second verse.
    And the third.
    But we added another!
    Why was he born so beautiful? Why was he born at all? Because in 1994 there was no birth control! Theeeeerre waaaas nooo biiiiirth controoooooool!

    Thursday, 7 July 2011

    Dear Jozi,

    Why are books so expensive?
    Why can't I sleep?
    Why am I reduced to reading Heat magazine and Hannahs Blog  instead of some amazing book?
    Why do we even get Heat Magazine in this country?!


    Need reading material.

    With Love,

    Dear Jozi,

    Isn't it enough with the chilly overcast-ness yet? I'm sick of being hauled up inside the house watching movies all day. Seriously. I've watched like 50 movies in the past three days. Most of them were good. But this, this was defiantly the best.

    It's called "Daydream Nation". And it's amazing.

    Here's the trailer:

    "Seventeen-year-ancient Caroline Wexler (Kat Dennings) іѕ facing a teenager’s nightmare: hеr widowed father hаѕ wеnt thеm frοm thе hυɡе city tο a tіnу town іn thе middle οf nowhere. Whеn Caroline realizes ѕhе hаѕ nothing іn common wіth thе burnout losers іn hеr nеw school ѕhе pursues thе one person whο excites hеr interest – hеr handsome young teacher, Mr. Anderson (Josh Lucas). A bizarre Ɩіkе triangle ensues between Caroline, Mr. Anderson, аnԁ a sweet, bυt troubled classmate (Reece Thompson). Featuring a hit indie soundtrack іn thіѕ mash-up οf thе bizarre аnԁ thе ɡοrɡеουѕ, Daydream Nation іѕ a coming-οf-age tаƖе fοr thе 21st century." 

    Not to give the whole story away, but you should definatly watch it. EEEP!

    Although the actual movie was amazing. And the plot was pretty good, and the acting was decent, and it won a whole bunch of awards n shizz. Thurston was my favorite.
    Isn't he the hottest guy in the world?

    I think he's pretty damn fine. Why aren't there guys this hot in Jozi?
    They all live in Pretoria and have terrible Afrikaans accents.

    With Love,

    Monday, 4 July 2011

    Dear Jozi,

    There are some amazing creatures that roam the skyscrapers of the city.

    This is my new friend. I nearly stood on him while going to hang up the washing. Isn't he B. E. A. Utiful? My mommy wanted to frame him with the other Butterflies on the wall but I wouldnt let her. Thats just cruel you know?
    Enough about that.

    More about the pretty pictures of the best, most biggest of big moth!
    In. The. World.
    Just kidding about that last part, the part about the world.
    Hes still pretty big though.

    Is'nt he pretty?

    With Love,

    Sunday, 3 July 2011

    Old School Kicks (Ass)

    Dear Jozi,
    Isn't it amazing what you can find when digging through fifty year of junk piled high in the garage?
    My mom and I were sifting through my grans old clothes and stuff. She had super small feet so my mom thought I would be able to wear her amazingly vintage shoes, from the forty's.

    I can.
    That's how cool I am.

    These are the ones that fit me so good (:
    These are navy blue and need new heels so I can't wear them yet ):
    These ae my favorite.
    These are also brown, and open toe which is pretty. I like open toe shoes. 

    They remind me of the Great Gatsby and all the silly 1940's hats and stuff. I wish I grew up then. Life would have been so much more glamorous. I'm bored of skinny genes, and songs about how drunk people got at the party on Friday night.

    With Love,